February 7, 2015: Take Your Child to the Library Day


Today is the fourth annual Take Your Child to the Library Day. How exciting that it falls on Saturday this year! The free public library is one of the best parts of living in a democracy. All of us can go to the library, select whatever we want to read, read it in the library or check it out, and easily explore new ideas. Free public libraries protect our freedom. Oprah Winfrey said, “Books were my pass to personal freedom. I learned to read at age three, and there was a whole world to conquer that went beyond our farm in Mississippi.”

Psalms 119:18

Open my eyes that I may see the wonderful things in your law.


Festival of Sleep and Chocolate-Covered Cherries Day


My Favorite

Jan 3 is Festival of Sleep Day and Chocolate-Covered Cherries Day. Two great celebrations wrapped into one day! It’s the perfect storm for a no-guilt day!

The Festival of Sleep Day is always celebrated on January 3. This year, luckily, it falls on Sunday, so all of us can take full advantage of the day by snoozing a little later and napping in the afternoon. I read that most of us need from seven to nine hours of sleep a night. In today’s busy world, finding that much time can be a problem. Sleep deprivation is related to serious problems, including cognitive and memory difficulties, obesity, high blood pressure, heart attacks, and strokes. Sleep-deprived people are also more accident-prone. So, celebrate today with a healthy decision to sleep in or nap.

Although most of us think consuming chocolate is bad for our health, eating moderate amounts of it is good for us! Chocolate, which is packed with antioxidants, contributes to a healthy heart, healthy weight, decreased blood pressure, and lowered risk of mental decline. I think it also contributes to a good mood!

Cherries are really good for us too! They are also great sources of antioxidant, and they help us sleep better, suffer less joint pain, and attack belly fat. Celebrate today by sleeping, eating chocolate-covered cherries, and feeling smug!

Psalm 118:24 This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.


New Year’s Day


January 1 is the first day of the New Year, and the day I typically start with my New Year’s resolutions. I usually start off with a bang, but by midyear I have fallen back into my old habits. This year I decided to research ways to be more successful in keeping my resolutions! From what I read, I can see that I don’t know WILLPOWER very well. I always think of it as something I have or, more often, something I don’t have. However, it’s apparently a lot like a muscle. It may be quite small and weak until you exercise it. Therefore, you should begin exercising it in stages. Using even a tiny bit of willpower makes it easier to exercise willpower the next time. Every single time you use it to do something you would rather not do or to avoid taking something you want, you are making your willpower more powerful. So when it comes to the important times, it will be powerful enough to help you succeed. I also learned that my all-or-nothing attitude is self-defeating. It is better to make only one change at a time – and to break that change into smaller parts. And I learned some actions that will make my success more likely. Doing something fun makes people better at exercising willpower. It’s great to know that reading a good book or watching an entertaining movie contributes to my success. How much better can it get than to have a really good reason for doing something I want to do! Another action that contributes to success is leaving temptation behind. If being in a particular place makes it hard to keep a resolution, I need to leave. I also found out that writing my resolutions helps me keep them. So, here is the first one: Write that chapter about Charles Loring Brace and the beginning of orphan trains.

Isiah 43:18-9 Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.


National Cancer Survivor’s Day

June 4 is National Cancer Survivor’s Day, a day celebrating life. Besides being a day of celebration, it is a day that can bring hope and inspiration to those who have been recently diagnosed and support for all who are affected by it. It is a day for everyone who is living with a history of cancer–whether survivor, friend, family member, or health professional-to connect, celebrate milestones, recognize the challenges, and promote awareness and community outreach. Every year we see new advances made in cancer treatment, and more are on the horizon. Make today a day of gratitude and celebration!

Irish Blessing

May joy and peace surround you,
contentment latch your door,
and happiness be with you now
and bless you evermore!
