Pledge of Allegiance Day

December 28 is the day Congress formally recognized the Pledge of Allegiance. I learned from I Pledge Allegiance by Bill Martin Jr. (author of Brown Bear Brown Bear What do You See?) and Michael Sampson that the Pledge was originally written for children and published in a children’s magazine. I love the illustrations in this book and the clear explanations that benefit all of us. The text includes the words of the pledge with commentary and illustrations to help explain what those words mean and some of the history of the flag. In the back there is information on how, when, and why the pledge was established. It’s a wonderful book that tackles a big concept and brings it down to a child’s level, teaching them the pledge and also pledge etiquette or “things you can do while saying the pledge.” The authors state: “The United States of America is a country built on some big ideas–unity and variety, fairness and freedom, creativity and equality. American grows and changes as the world changes, but we always try to hold on to the principles of ‘liberty and justice for all’.”

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