Good Neighbor Day

The Vanderbeekers of 141st Street by Karina Yan Glaser is written for ages 7 to about 11. It’s a delightful story of a Harlem neighborhood, centered around a family of seven, plus pets. It’s fast paced and fun to read, with lots of dialogue between the siblings that range in age from teens to tots. The story starts with the parents calling a family meeting to discuss a problem: the Vanderbeeker’s lease on the lower floor of the brownstone apartment building is not going to be renewed by their reclusive landlord, Mr. Biederman. The kids have never known another home, so they turn their distress into action as they try to think up ways to make Mr. Biederman like them more so they can stay. The story is a rollicking tale set during the Christmas holidays and a first dance experience for one of the twins. It includes interaction with a variety of neighbors and friends, so the neighborhood represents the kind of place we would all like to live. This is the first in a series on the Vanderbeekers. The books are old fashioned tales of community and family, with an updated setting and characters. Good read for kids!

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