Johnny Appleseed Day

There are many books on Johnny Appleseed. His story often drifts into tall tales, but he was an actual person, John Chapman, born in Massachusetts in 1774. Seed by Seed: The Legend and Legacy of John “Appleseed” Chapman tells the story with the facts, but also includes some of the legend. Written by Esme Raji Codell and illustrated by Lynne Rae Perkins, the story begins by explaining how different our world is today than it was in the late 1700s–no ringing phones or airplanes flying over, just a tangle of trees and brush and maybe the sound of a wagon wheel. I like the way the story gently takes children back and places them in a very different time and then begins to explain the peculiarities of Johnny Appleseed and his mission. It also lays out his five point legacy: use what you have; share what you have; respect nature; ty to make peace where there is war; and remember that you can reach your destination by taking small steps. Each legacy is explained with examples from Johnny Appleseed’s life. It’s a beautiful book with good lessons from an American folk hero who planted seeds that continue to provide for us today.

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