National Beach Day

Beach is a beautiful book, written and illustrated by Elisha Cooper. In these last weeks of summer, this is a wonderful book to read and reminisce about the beach, or if you’re planning one more trip to the beach, read and anticipate about the joys. The book starts out with intent: “Away to the beach! Away to sand and salt water, to rolling dunes and pounding waves.” The opening spread is just the stillness of a quiet beach, but as you turn the pages, people begin arriving. Through pictures and text, the book describes the familiar activities of a day at the beach. It’s a lovely picture book to read and discuss with a child. What do they love about the beach? What is their favorite activity? What is this person doing in the picture? One reviewer commented that they liked the art in the book so much that they kept the book on their coffee table at their beach house. It’s just that good!

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