National Waffle Day

Adventures with Waffles by [Maria Parr, Kate Forrester, Guy Puzey]

Adventures with Waffles by Maria Parr is a book recommended for ages 7 to 10 set in a place called Mathildewick Cove in Norway. It’s about two nine year old children, Lena, who is bold and adventurous, and her more practical neighbor and friend Trille (nickname for Theobald Rodrik Danielsen Yttergard). Lena instigates many reckless, harrowing. and hilarious adventures, pulling Trille along with her. The book is narrated by Trille, who lives in a big household where his Aunt Granny is a frequent visitor, and she makes the best waffles ever, which add sweet and comforting relief to the misadventures. Readers get Trille’s viewpoint and interpretation of daily life, from Sunday School and the Bible stories taught to community traditions and celebrations. In one of many adventures, Trille and Lena decide to test the story of Noah’s ark by “borrowing” Trille’s uncle’s boat and putting as many pairs of animals on board as they can. Things fall apart when they add a cow to the mix on the small boat. This is a wonderful story of childhood and exploration and longings and friendship. There is diversity in the families and the encounters with the community, just like in real life.

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