Camera Day

Camera Day is the perfect day for kids to read or listen to Dorthea’s Eyes: Dorthea Lange Photographs the Truth written by Barb Rosenstock and Illustrated by Gerald Dubois. Dorthea had many challenges in her early life, including a bout with polio that left her with a limp. Her father left home, and her mother went to work in a library, leaving Dorthea with lots of unsupervised time to spend as she wanted. And what she wanted to do was traipse through the city observing people. Those days of traipsing led to her developing a keen eye for seeing the truth and an open heart for loving the people she saw. The pictures she took during the Great Depression still let us see the truth and the people. Some of the most famous one are shown near the end of the book. This picture book, which is recommended for children ages 7-10,  invites discussion and is a great addition to home or classroom libraries.

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