Aquarium Month

Captain Starfish by Davina Bill and illustrated by Allison Colpoys is a precious story about a boy, Alfie, who has anxiety over things like school events and birthday parties. He plans to participate, but then he retreats and hides. His understanding parents quietly help him work though things. At home, he practices wearing his starfish costume for the school parade, but his fears overcome him when parade day arrives. His mother takes him to the city aquarium. As he watches the different kinds of fish of all sizes, he relates to a little clown fish who swims up to the glass and then swims away and hides. The fish gives Alfie courage to be himself. As one reviewer said, the book provides “a quiet place in a very loud world.” The pink and blue retro illustrations are the perfect accompaniment to the gently encouraging story. The picture book is for ages 4 to 8, and for any child who faces anxiety and also for those who love them.

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