Say Something Nice Day

Today is Say Something Nice Day. The Princess Academy by Shannon Hale is a fun read that teaches the importance of saying something nice. Miri lives on a mountain where her family has lived for generations. The mountain people are not the nobility of the kingdom, so it comes as quite a surprise when the priests say the prince is destined to marry a mountain girl. In response, a princess academy is opened for the teen mountain girls, so they can learn the niceties of life and be an acceptable bride for the prince. The girls attend the academy and learn, among other things, to be diplomatic. Miri is quite conflicted between her love for her life on the mountain with her family and her desire to be the prince’s choice as a wife. Her year in the academy brings unexpected challenges and changes. A book with a bit of fantasy, a tad of romance, and an unusual twist in the ending, The Princess Academy has appeal for preteen and teen readers.  

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