Memorial Day

The Unknown Soldier’s Journey Home by Nancy Rust and Carol Stubbs is the little-known true story of the Unknown Soldier’s perilous journey from France to Arlington National Cemetery after World War I and recounts Americans’ response to the arrival of the Unknown Soldier: The next day, the Rotunda opened to the public. All through the day and far into the night, an unending stream of people walked in silence by the casket. Mothers carrying babies. Limping veterans. Boys with caps in hands. Men in suits and men in threadbare coats. From every corner of America, they came with flowers to honor the Unknown Soldier.   This 40-page book also gives an overview of the ceremony and contributions made by people from other countries, as well as subsequent history. The back of the book has a “Who’s Who” section and a list of important dates. With its straightforward text and Melissa Vandiver’s beautiful illustrations showing the events and the period, this military history book is a book for all ages and makes a great addition to family libraries. 

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