What You Think Upon Grows Day

What You Think Upon Grows Day is a day to encourage kids to be positive thinkers. Bee Fearless by Mikaila Ulmer is a delightful book for upper elementary and middle school kids. The book is part memoir and part business guide. It talks about Mikaila’s first lemonade stand and her purpose in making money–to save the bees. She started by selling cups of lemonade, adding honey to sweeten the deal. Before too long, she was bottling the lemonade and selling to stores in her home town of Austin, Texas, and then across the nation. Her mantra is Give–Save–Spend. Give back to a charity, save money, and then spend. It’s a great success story, and kids and adults can learn from her step by step guide to running a business.

Memorial Day

The Unknown Soldier’s Journey Home by Nancy Rust and Carol Stubbs is the little-known true story of the Unknown Soldier’s perilous journey from France to Arlington National Cemetery after World War I and recounts Americans’ response to the arrival of the Unknown Soldier: The next day, the Rotunda opened to the public. All through the day and far into the night, an unending stream of people walked in silence by the casket. Mothers carrying babies. Limping veterans. Boys with caps in hands. Men in suits and men in threadbare coats. From every corner of America, they came with flowers to honor the Unknown Soldier.   This 40-page book also gives an overview of the ceremony and contributions made by people from other countries, as well as subsequent history. The back of the book has a “Who’s Who” section and a list of important dates. With its straightforward text and Melissa Vandiver’s beautiful illustrations showing the events and the period, this military history book is a book for all ages and makes a great addition to family libraries. 

National Paperclip Day

For National Paperclip Day, consider reading Alycat and the Friendship Friday by Alysson Foti Bourque. Alycat finds herself feeling left out when her class goes on a fieldtrip and her best friend chooses to sit with the new student. Read this book to see how she uses paperclips to help solve her problem. The bright illustrations by Chiara Civati add to the happy mood when Alycat learns more about making friends.

National Hamburger Day

There's No Ham in Hamburgers: Facts and Folklore About Our Favorite Foods by [Kim Zachman, Peter Donnelly]

Author Kim Zachman wondered why we there is no ham in something we call hamburgers, so she researched it. The result is a wonderful book on food origins. Kids ages 8 to 12 and up will love the stories, and they will learn a lot about nutrition, history, and food science. Zachman was impressed by how much American food is influenced by other cultures, folklore, tradition, and even religion. According to Zachman, no one really knows for sure who invented the hamburger, but she traces it’s origins all the way back to Genghis Khan and his rather disgusting way of tenderizing meat. There are several claims later in history to who put the first patty between two buns. All the stories are given, and you can vote for your favorite on her website. The facts and stories are illustrated with whimsical line drawings by Peter Donnelly. This book would be a great asset to any kitchen or classroom.

Sun Screen Day

When I saw that today is Sun Screen Day, I immediately thought of one of my favorite books, Jabari Jumps by Gala Cornwall. Jabari is so excited about going to the pool because he has finished his swimming lessons and is ready to jump off the high diving board. But when he gets to the pool, he has to face the reality of doing something that now seems more scary than exciting. Cornwall’s muted illustrations keep the focus on Jabari and his supportive dad and little sister as he struggles between fear and excitement–a struggle every child faces. This is an excellent book with so many layers, each reading may hold a new insight. So think about reading Jabari Jumps to celebrate today, and remind the child in your life that sun screen saves skin.

National Paper Airplane Day

My boys loved the Klutz books, how to books that give instructions on fun skills. The Klutz Book of Paper Airplanes is no exception. The spiral bound book lays flat and comes with clear instructions. and lots of paper in cool design styles. There’s more than enough for the ten airplane patterns. The book includes lessons on physics and flying skill. The airplanes have high dynamic names and purposes. For example, The Flying Ninja and Swashbuckler are stunt planes, the Hammer is a dart, and the Space Cruiser is a glider. This is a great book for kids who love paper airplanes. Try out hour folding skills and have some high flying fun today.

Brown-Bag It Day

Brown-Bag It Day is a day designated to highlight the benefits of packing your lunch for work or school. To Be a Cat by Matt Haig is the story of a boy who turns into a cat, and believe me, a boy/cat has special food needs that would definitely be better met by packing a lunch from home. Barney Willow notices that cats have it made – humans adore them, they can laze around, and they don’t have a dad who’s disappeared. One day when Barney is feeling depressed, he sees a cat and wishes to be a cat. His wish is granted, but his new life makes him think that he should have been careful about what he wished for. This book is a fun and funny read that allows a quick peek at the world from a cat’s point of view while still having the problems of a boy’s world.

National Brother’s Day

This is a great story about brothers, lots of brothers. Audrey Vernick tells the true story of the Acerra family of New Jersey. In the 1930s, they were a family of 16 children, 12 brothers and four sisters. It’s a delightful story of a family of limited means–the children sleep two to a bed–but lots of love. Neighbors remember the boys always being outside with a ball and bat. When they are old enough, the father forms a baseball team, the Acerras. They play other teams and eventually become the longest playing brother team of all time. The Acerras have even been inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. The story covers their years playing baseball, and their years interrupted by war. It’s a great story of brotherly love and unity that will make you appreciate siblings, whether you play baseball or not. Illustrations by Steven Salerno fit the early 20th century time period and capture the motion of the storyline. Great book for boys and girls, ages four on up.

World Turtle Day

Today is World Turtle Day. Truman by Jean Reidy is a charming book for the youngest readers. When I saw a book named Truman, I had to read it. I have a lively demonstrative poodle named Truman, and I really hoped the Truman is this book would be a strong character. Truman the turtle didn’t disappoint. He’s a small tortoise with a big personality. When Sarah starts school, Truman begins to worry. It’s a sweet book that explores emotions in a quiet way. Lucy Ruth Cummins’s illustrations reflect the reassuring mood of the story. This book is a good choice for a child beginning school or taking a step into the bigger world.

Buy A Musical Instrument Day

Trombone Shorty is a picture book autobiography that is about the love of music and the instruments that create the music. Troy “Trombone Shorty” Andrews is a renowned musician today. He grew up in New Orleans in the Treme neighborhood, so his story is wrapped in the flavors, music, and language of New Orleans. As a child, Troy heard music all around him and watched his brother play a trumpet in a band. Troy and his friends created instruments to play along, but one day Troy found a damaged, discarded trombone, and that changed everything. When he learns to play the trombone, Troy earns the nickname Trombone Shorty because the horn is so big and he is so small. When his mother takes him to Jazz Fest, he brings his trombone. Bo Diddley is playing onstage and hears the trombone music. He asks who is playing, and Trombone Shorty is lifted to the stage. He’s been onstage ever since. The story is enhanced by beautiful illustrations by Bryan Collier. If you love music, musical instruments, stories of joy and determination, New Orleans, and all that jazz, you’ll love this book.