Annie Oakley Weekend

For the July 23-25 Annie Oakley Weekend, DK Biography: Annie Oakley: A Photographic Story of a Life by Chick Willis is an excellent choice. With the addition of photographs and sidebars, this book shows much about the history of the era. It begins with Annie’s impoverished childhood in Ohio and continues through her life. Her story is that of a tiny girl – barely five feet tall as an adult – who overcomes incredible obstacles to become a star in her time. She developed her shooting skills through the necessity of putting food on her family’s table in her youth, and she rose to stardom at a time when women couldn’t even vote. Annie advice still holds true today, “Aim at a high mark and you’ll hit it. No, not the second time and maybe not the third. But keep on aiming and keep on shooting for only practice will make you perfect. Finally, you’ll hit the bull’s eye of success.”  The publisher recommends this book for kids ages 10 and up.

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