Log Cabin Day

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When I saw today is Log Cabin Day, I thought of Jean Fritz’s classic book, The Cabin Faced West. Ann and her two brothers move with their parents from their home in Gettysburg to live in a log cabin in the West. In those days, western Pennsylvania was the West. The story is based on real people and their stories. Ann is Fritz’s great-great grandmother. The book is well-researched, and young readers can get an accurate view of life in Early America.

National Play Outside Day

When I saw that today is National Play Outside Day, I immediately thought of the classic children’s book, Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson. Jesse Aarons is determined to be the fastest runner in fifth grade, but a new girl moves to Lark Creek, and she is faster. Leslie, the new girl, and Jesse both feel left out, and soon they are fast friends. They find a hidden place across a creek that seems almost magical to them. They name it Terabithia, and that’s where they spend their free time. This book brings up several serious issues, including religion, bullying, and death. A book that warrants discussion, it is on many reading lists for tweens and teens. A Disney movie has been made about it too.