National Chocolate Day

choc sauce

There seems to be some disagreement as to what day we celebrate National Chocolate Day—October 28? July 7? Why not both! Chocolate is a delicious and lovely treat, and there are rumors that it is good for us. Chocolate is reported to have all kinds of benefits, from helping with long-term memory, reducing the risks of heart disease, preventing strokes, boosting our mood, and more. The list is long, giving us more reason to enjoy chocolate. Here’s a great recipe for Chocolate Fudge Sauce—so easy and so good on ice cream! You can find it in A Louisiana Christmas, p. 174–or right here:

Chocolate Fudge Sauce

2 squares unsweetened chocolate

1/8 tsp. cream of tartar

Dash of salt

1 ½ cups sugar

1 cup evaporated milk

1 tsp. vanilla

Melt chocolate in small pan over low heat or in double boiler. Add cream of tartar and salt. Stir in milk and sugar alternately. Continue stirring and heating over low to medium heat until smooth. Stir in vanilla. Store in refrigerator, and use as a sauce on hot or cold desserts.

Finally…whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Philippians 4:8


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