Frankenstein Day


No, it’s not Halloween yet. August 30 is known as Frankenstein Day because this is the day Mary Shelley, author of the book, Frankenstein, was born in 1797. She wrote the book while on vacation with her future husband, Lord Shelley, and two friends. To amuse themselves the four challenged each other to see who could write the best horror story—Mary won, and her story has thrilled and intrigued generations of readers ever since. The story illustrates the ongoing struggles between science and morality. It’s not a long book, so challenge yourself and read Frankenstein. Find out how the book compares to the movie versions and see where your sentiments lie—with the scientist or the monster he creates.

Whoever is righteous has regard for the life of his beast, but the mercy of the wicked is cruel. Proverbs 12:10


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