Clare Hollingworth Reports Germany’s Preparation to Invade Poland 1939

On August 28, 1939, Clare Hollingworth, an English journalist, was driving along the German-Poland border. She saw German troops, tanks, and armored cars amassed on the Polish border when a gust of wind lifted the camouflage cloths covering them. She reported the build-up, and her report was first page news on the Daily Telegraph the following day. She also was the reporter breaking the news on September 1 that Germany had invaded Poland. For the next forty-two years, she reported on wars around the world, although women were usually barred from being war correspondents in those years. Her career was truly illustrious. She died at the age of 105 in January 2017.

Take a few minutes to think about the courageous woman who dared to follow her dream, and celebrate today by taking steps to make your dreams come true.

Romans 12:21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.


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