National Pancake Day


Whether you call them pancakes, flapjacks, or hotcakes, everyone loves them. Shakespeare even honored them with a mention in two of his plays: “All’s Well that Ends Well” and “As You Like It.” Celebrate today with a hot stack of pancakes, and don’t forget the butter and syrup! Here’s a great recipe from A Louisiana Christmas, p. 51. The recipe comes from a small town in north Louisiana named Sicily Island.

Sicily Island Hotcakes

2 eggs

2 cups buttermilk

Pinch of salt

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

2 tablespoons sugar

2 teaspoons baking powder

2-3 cups All Purpose Flour

Beat eggs in medium bowl. Add buttermilk. Add soda, sugar, salt and baking powder. Gradually add flour to thicken mixture to right consistency for hotcakes. Heat griddle or pan. Add butter, and when it’s sizzling (be careful not to burn), pour in 1 /4 to 1 /2 cup hotcake mix. Cook on one side until bubbles form on top. Flip and continue cooking on the other side.

*This mixture can be prepared the night before and kept in the refrigerator until ready to use.

Go, eat your bread with joy…Ecclesiastes 9:7


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