Use Less Stuff Day


November 19 is Use Less Stuff Day! I read that the average family spends $7,000 a year on food and wastes about $1,600 of food annually. The USDA estimated that Americans waste twenty-five percent of their food, but the University of Arizona Garbage Project found that we waste closer to fifty percent of our food. Take steps today to reduce the amount of waste in food. I know one of the easiest ways for me to avoid wasting food is to start with my cart in the grocery store and avoid buying more fresh fruit and vegetables than we can eat. I read that bananas last much longer if they are separated instead of stored in a bunch. I’m going to try separating the bunch and see if lone bananas really do last longer. Take time today to think of something you can do to help our world!

Proverbs 21:20 There is precious treasure and oil in the dwelling of the wise, But a foolish man swallows it up.


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