Mothering Day

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March 15 is Mothering Sunday, or the fourth Sunday in Lent. It originated in Europe as a time for people to return home and attend their “Mother” Church, usually a cathedral or large church near their childhood home. Servants were given the day off to go home. They said they were going “a-mothering” and often stopped to pick flowers along the way home. Over time, the day became a time to celebrate mothers, much like Mother’s Day. In the UK and Ireland, Mothering Day and Mother’s Day are celebrated at the same time.

One way for us to celebrate this day is to take time to reflect on our heritage, both church and family. And this day, like every day, is a great day for flowers.

Song of Solomon 2:12 The flowers appear on the earth; the time of singing bids is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land;


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