National Hurricane Preparedness Week

longue vue gardens 09 005

Hurricane Preparedness Week is May 24-30. Most of my life I have lived in states along the Gulf Coast. I know the major storms by name—some I have seen tear through my neighborhood and knock trees onto my roof; others I have experienced through relatives and friends whose homes were destroyed by their brute force and devastation. I know the importance of being prepared for hurricanes. Nevertheless, we all get lax about this. When the weather is calm and there are no dire threats, it’s easy to “think about it tomorrow.” Think about it now: Make an evacuation plan for your family and your pets. Know the best routes out of town. Check your flashlight batteries to be sure they all work. Keep a battery operated radio around. Store extra water and food. Clean off the patio to make things easier if your area is threatened with high winds. Put important papers in a water tight, safe container. Take time to get prepared, and then enjoy the summer! For more information, check

Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love. 1 Corinthians 16:13-14


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